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To provide an exceptional, Christ-centered education in the classical tradition that cultivates
wonder, wisdom, and worship through the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty.





To see students experience the joy of learning and the grace of Jesus Christ and be equipped
to live thoughtfully, humbly, and purposefully in service of God and man.

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A Distinctive Model of Education

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Your child will learn to think deeply, read widely, and write well through our engaging curriculum and proven teaching methods.

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An essential dimension of learning rooted in faith will help equip your child to stand firmly grounded in Truth while engaging the culture.

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Community of Grace

Your child (and family) will be known and loved as an integral part of our authentic community and build healthy, lifelong relationships.

What you can expect at Vero Classical School



Our world is bursting with vibrancy. Education should feel like an adventure because, when

examined through the eyes of wonder, every aspect reveals
intricate and intelligent
design with more details
than we can imagine!



Knowledge is the mastery of facts and materials. Wisdom involves application of that knowledge with good judgment. We learn to use our knowledge well when considered in light

of God’s guidance.

Church Altar


When we have taken the time to wonder at the world – there is only one wise thing we can do: worship the One who made it. Vero Classical School teaches that all knowledge begins and

ends with the creator of all things, and He is worthy of
every honor and glory.

2nd Annual
Fundraising Event



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A Christ-centered school with strong academics, plenty of opportunity for physical activity and creativity, loving teachers and strong leadership all felt like a dream come true. With

this year almost ending, every promise made and goal set has been met or exceeded, and I couldn’t be happier that we made the decision to send our son to VCS.



One of the most precious things about this school is the way that they have come alongside our family to be a part of discipling our son in growing in His relationship with The Lord. It makes me feel like we have gained more than a great school but also an extension of the church and the body of Christ who are linking arms with us in raising up our children in the way they should go.

Vero Classical School has renewed our hope in Christian education. It has filled a very deep hole in this community. I do not want to think about what this year would have been like without the opening of VCS. 

Our kids come home asking questions and engaging us in higher level conversations. The academics have blown us away!

Does Schooling Really Matter?

We believe your choice of schooling will have a profound and lasting impact on your child which is why we are so passionate about offering a school in the Christian
classical tradition. We are committed to the shaping of your child as a whole person: academically, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. We want to see your children flourish in the classroom and far beyond.


“In category after category of the University of Notre Dame report, classical
Christian schools outscore all other educational options—public, private
preparatory, Catholic, evangelical, and homeschool—by significant margins.”
Senior writer for The Gospel Coalition, Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra,
responds to a recent study from the University of Notre Dame. 

Begin the Path to a Vero Classical Education


of Interest




& Interview


The Value and Depth of a Vero Classical Education

At Vero Classical School, we understand that you want your child to thrive in school. In order to do that, you need to find the best fit for your child’s education. We believe your child should love learning and flourish at school. The choice of a school is a powerful influence in the life of a child which is why we offer a distinct schooling option to families across Indian River County. Call or email today to start the conversation about if Vero Classical is the best fit for you and your family.

Our Location

Sitting on 13 acres, Vero Classical School is hosted by Tabernacle Ministries located off Old Dixie Hwy. This is a full day, full week program that currently services grades Kindergarten-5th Grade.  With an indoor gymnasium on site, play and exercise will abound. Vero Classical is a non-denominational school that welcomes all backgrounds.


Non-Discriminatory Policy

Vero Classical School (“School”)  is committed to providing equal opportunity in all employment practices, including but not limited to selection, hiring, promotion, transfer, and compensation to all qualified applicants and employees without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, citizenship status, disability, or any other protected characteristic as established by federal, state, and local law, unless it is required as a bona fide occupational qualification or a particular status protected by federal, state, or local law contradicts the deeply held religious convictions of the School. 


Services Provided at Vero Classical School:

We currently offer full day instruction for grades Kindergarten through 4th. 


Qualifications for Instructional Personnel at Vero Classical School:

All Instructional Personnel at VCS have at least one of the following qualifications:

  1. Bachelor’s Degree or Higher in any Subject

  2. Three or more years of K-12th grade teaching experience

  3. Special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in K-12th grade subjects.

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