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Application for Admissions

Application for 2023-2024 School Year

Are you applying for your child's first school experience?
Has your child ever skipped a grade?
Has your child ever repeated a grade?
Has your child ever been recommended for or participated in a gifted program?
Has your child ever been recommended for or received special help or tutoring?
Does your child have any record of school disciplinary problems? or dismissed or suspended from school?
Does your child currently receive accommodations in the classroom?
Has your child ever received treatment from a doctor or counselor for any type of emotional or mental health challenges?
Does your child have any medical conditions we should be aware of?
Has your child ever been involved in legal problems or been arrested?
Is your child presently experiencing any situations unique to your family or home life that the school should know about, so as to better understand him/her and provide support where needed?

Household Info

Custodial Rights?
Financial Responsibility?

Teacher Evaluation

Please provide a name and email address for a teacher evaluation. We will send the teacher our evaluation form once we receive. Homeschool students should provide information for someone other than a parent.

Family Culture

Father: Please tell us about your faith and the role it plays in your own life.​

Mother: Please tell us about your faith and the role it plays in your own life.​

Please upload a copy of your child's birth certificate and their most recent report card.

Upload Files

If your documents will not upload, please email them to

My signature below affirms all information is correct, complete and honestly presented.

The electronic signature above are treated by Vero Classical School like a physical handwritten signature on a paper form.

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